Hi! I am

Shripad Deshmukh

About Me

I am a first-year MS/PhD student at University of Massachusetts, Amherst. I am originally from Maharashtra, India. My core research interest lies in designing human-aligned sequential decision-making systems. I work under Prof. Scott Niekum's advisorship at Safe, Confident and Aligned Learning & Robotics (SCALAR) research group. I also work in close collaboration with Prof. Bruno Castro da Silva- and Prof. Phil Thomas-run learning lab at UMass.

Prior to starting my journey as a PhD student, I worked at Adobe, India in an applied machine learning (ML) research role (2020-2023). I was mainly interested in applying reinforcement learning (RL) based techniques for use-cases in automated digital marketing. I was fortunate to get an opportunity to collaborate with Late Georgios Theocharous and Prof. Nan Jiang on a problem in RL intepretability. At Adobe, my job responsibility also included projects in multi-modal learning. I was primarily tasked with solving problems in PDF document analysis that facilitate form conversion in Adobe's cloud services. This work provided me with valuable experience in research, development, deployment and maintenance of large-scale neural networks.

I hold B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Madras (2016-2020).

In my leisure, I like to read, paint, write, and explore. You can find my reading list here. A few of my paintings can be found here. My blogs can be found here. As for my exploration in the US, I have been to Boston, Cambridge, New York City and Virginia Beach so far. Next on my list are other all-American places such as Niagara Falls, Hollywood and Washington D.C.


My publications and patents are listed here. My Google Scholar profile can be found here.


I love to paint; it brings such a tranquility of mind.
Following are some of my works from pandemic period drawn on a tablet.
You can find a few more of them here. I am, in general, very passionate about visual arts.


Reading great authors and living in the Amherst area, one inclines towards expressing oneself through some kind of prose.
I have written a few public blogs on random topics.
